Badel Antique Pelinkovac Liqueur 0.7L
Badel Antique Pelinkovac is known for what it lacks - no artificial flavors, no preservatives, no flavor enhancers, no compromises. The flavor of this premium herbal liqueur is dominated by wormwood, an aromatic plant characterized by its smell and bitter note and known for its beneficial effects on the human body. From 1921 onwards, the unique and timeless taste of Antique was further enriched by the authentic A. Ziemann copper still. It currently contains crystallized plant residue from more than 100 years of production and you can taste it in every Antique bottle.
Each batch of sumptuous Antique macerato is carefully aged in oak barrels. After it has aged perfectly and acquired its distinctive shade, it is carefully bottled. To ensure superior quality control and ultimate satisfaction, each bottle is marked with a unique serial number printed on a label on the back of the bottle.
The original recipe for Antikni Pelinkovac includes 40+ aromatic indigenous Mediterranean plants and 100% natural ingredients. For the perfect pleasure, it is recommended to serve Antique Pelinkovac well chilled, and it is perfectly complemented by one or two ice cubes and a slice of orange. Due to its luxurious taste, Antique has become the favorite drink of true connoisseurs and lovers of fine liqueurs and an indispensable part of the offer of top restaurants and bars, and it is consumed neat or as a favorite ingredient in delicious cocktails or with coffee.
Alcohol content 35%.