Zaric Kralj Plum Brandy Cognac 0.7L
Zaric Kralj or King is a true pride of the Zaric distillery, the first and only drink of its kind in the world! The production process of "Kralj" is somewhat similar to the production of French cognac, but the base material is not grapes, but plums, specifically the indigenous variety - Trnovaca. "Kralj" is produced from PRUVIN plum wine, which is obtained by blending wines from three plum varieties: Trnovaca, Crvena Ranka, and Pozegaca. All plum quantities are manually processed. Then the wine is distilled several times with the intention to obtain a pure wine distillate with a strength of over 74.0% vol. As such, it matures in oak barrels with a capacity of 220 liters. The aging period in oak barrels (preferably from the Kosjeric area) must not be less than 3 years. Then, the distillate is gradually diluted to the desired strength. It has been shown that at a strength of 40.0% vol., "Kralj" exhibits the best aromatic qualities and full-bodied characteristics, being completely rounded. Due to the complexity and precision of production, "Kralj" is produced in small and limited batches. Such a top-quality product had to be packaged in a crystal bottle with two crystal glasses to provide enjoyment to the fullest.